Too Many Rules!

Angel: “I’m starting to see why RB has a hard time with grammar.”

Demon: “Too many damned rules!”

Angel: “Exactly.”

Demon: “You agree? Huh?”

Angel: “Well… Look here…” Points to the computer screen, “According to the Purdue OWL you’re supposed to use a comma before a conjunction, after an introductory phrase, to seperate lists in a sentence, to set off information not related to-”

Demon: “Too many damned things to remember!”

Angel: “It even mentions that most errors that people have to correct are comma usage, so RB isn’t alone.”

Demon: “I say scrap the whole system. Grammar is nothing but rules, and rules are bullshit.”

Angel: *sigh* “Demon, rules are necessary for certain situations.”

Demon: “Says Miss Goody-Goody. I say: Let Anarchy Rein!!

Angel: “Of course you do.”


Angel vs. Demon: Under New Management 3

Me: “Before you two take over my blog, there will be some ground rules.”


Me: “Especially for you, Demon.”

Demon: “Kiss my a-”

Angel: “It is always good to have guidelines. So what are these rules.”

Me: “Pretty simple. This is a blog about creativity, imagination, writing, science fiction, supernatural, and fantasy so you can do anything along those lines. No over the top language and NO SEX!”

Demon: “DAMN!”

Me: “And Angel, no mushy romance or preachy religion.”

Angel: *sigh* “Very well.”

Me: “And you two must keep it civil. I don’t want every post to be you two arguing.”

Demon: “This is already unbearable. Can I at least have violence?”

Angel: “No.”

Me: “Sure, go for it!”

Demon: “Hell yeah! You no longer suck… so bad.”