The Important Details

Details: Description that’s important to all writers of all genres. Details move the story, creating pictures with words.


I often skip the details when writing. No, not all of them but many. It’s not on purpose, just out of habit, and then I have to go back and insert where needed.

And when reading, I’m known to skip over description just to get to the story.

To me?

That’s what’s important. The story: the who’s who and what’s what. If the details enhance it, that’s good. But I can’t take the overpowering description dripping from pages knowing in my heart it blinds me to the interesting stuff. Remember what I’ve said: I have NADD (Novel Attention Deficit Disorder)

But some readers/writers like the details, enjoy those little things. That’s cool. To each, his (or her) own.

Don’t get me wrong…

Detail is important. Too little and the picture isn’t complete. Too much and you have a snoozer. Balance is key. I’m learning that. A hard lesson but one I’ll let sink in deep.


2 Replies to “The Important Details”

  1. I’m the same way. I have become the master of the prewrite. The who, what, when, where, why first. Then, I go back and plug in the details. In this case, I find that it’s easier to add to than take away. And too much too soon can be overwhelming and slow down the writing process. Kind of like plugging a drain.

    However, I am a master story teller and I can’t tell even the simplest story without giving ALL the gory details, which makes me very long winded. But that’s only a bad thing i I’m telling you what I had for breakfast. It works very well, though, when I’m writing.

    As for you, Rosa, I believe you have found a perfect balance. And not only do you give just the right amount of detail, you also give them at just the right time; making for great suspense and plot twists. I am gonna order Books 2 and 3 so I can refresh my memory in preparation for the conclusion. I’m so excited!!! (TMI??? LOL!)

    1. TMI? No way! Say what you need to say. What you have read is the final outcome, which I’m glad is far more polished than the initial work!

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